Minggu, 20 November 2011

My Last 24 hours at age 19 :)

It should be written yesterday, actually.
Because today, I have already twenty! Yeay!
Heloo twenty!

Yesterday, I made a wish list for my new age, here we go..

1. Happiness for all the people that I love!
My parents, my friends (especially : my lovely team, GM DKI B, Sandra, Marina, Yoel, Gerry, Gilang, Vinny, Mike, Bowo, Apit, Bengkel Psikologi, Pamela, Lulu, Tya, Ellys,and many more), my big family, BDI, ...
I realize that I'm so grateful for having them in my life. They keep me getting better.
Aaa.. So lucky for having them around me :)

2. Become a radio announcer at.... (Eng ing eng! Do I dare to write "Prambors fm" overthere? Hahaha.. :D )

3. Red converse! Oh my, I want you badly!

4. Having an Event Organizer (this dream is back again and if it works good, it will be come true, soon :D )

5. A laptop! Please.. Please! My pc has already broken!

6. A boyfriend! Woohooo! Don't ask! I know you want it, too, right? Hahaha

7. Watch Maliq n D'essential concert! Please, I had so many chance to make it come true but it always failed, so please.. Please, this year I have to get youuu, Maliq! Eits with my "Ner" ofcourse :D
*ner is one of my team and also my best pal :D

8. Going to UK! Hahaha
I swear I'll hit you, Big Ben! London Bridge! Lacock village!

9. A new purse (or wallet?),*starringatmywallet*
Ok, it has already too kiddy. With the glitters around. I think this is the time for you (wallet) for getting more mature with me! Hah!

10. A huge book shelf in my home for my mom (and me! Hahaha)

11. A new wallet for my Dad, wait, it's not because he has the same glitters with mine gon his wallet. No! Don't you dare to think about it. Don't worry.

12. Get my articles published in Gogirl magz!

13. A Podcast radio for the journal's club!

14. What else? Emm.. Ow! A new pillow! This one is getting sucks for my big head).

15. An Ipod? :D

16. Going to "sekolah wanita karitra" :)

17. Ahaahh.. This is almost forgotten!
A wonderful day on my birthday, the day after, after, and after.
For everyone's birthday. So we can get a good day, every single day, right? Hahaha..

18. A pair of sweet flat shoes :)

19. We almost done, this is one of my wish that the time is really close from now. I wish a huge happiness for my GM DKI B at the IDeFest by the end of this year, at the day after, after, and after :)

20. Tadaaaa! We're touch the top! It should be cool! Mm..
Can I re-wish or re-write a wish that I have written before?
Okay, this is my own list, I'm the boss, right? Haaha
Ehm.. Once again, I want a boyfriend! Hahahaha.. Cool, isn't it?
The coolest part is.. This is honest!
At my 20 age, I want to be honest for what I feel, what I want and what I don't.
However it will be, at least, I'm honest :)
Pretty cool! Hahahaha

Because you know what?
Being cool it means you know what you want to reach and you go to reach that!
Knowing what you want to reach, it means you have to know what you want and what you don't.

Haha.. Hope it will complete my coolness! Ahahahaah
Well, I have to go to bed.
Thanks everyone!
Love you! :*

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