Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

For So Much Things

When you look back, you'll see there are so many things have changed.

Yesterday, two days ago..
last week, a month ago, last year..
even the last minute..

Was it good? or bad?
How many times we spend our time to say thanks for all the good things that happened in our life?
for so much great things that comes everyday (do we realize it?)..
for so many great people that given to us to tell and teach us their great experiences..
for every chances that we've got to see, to hear, to feel so much beautiful things around us..
for the power that given to us to be stronger day by day..
for all the love around us..

Well, maybe people do change, me as well..
But those great things will always be around us, (only) if we can feel it..

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