Kamis, 09 September 2010

My Dream, My Dream Land

I Fouuuundddd iittt!!!!
Yes! and it's real!

My dreamland, or whatever dream it named.
Can't tell you what kind of place that I've been looking for in my mind,
but this is it!

a village in Wiltshire, England (from Wikipedia).
a very beautiful place for me.
When I watched "Kiki's Delivery Service" (a great movie from Ghibli, I'll tell you later about it),
every place in the movie made me..emm
wondering if I could get there.
And a few minutes ago, Igot the real one.

The flower, beautiful sky and houses, streets, everything!

See, so beautiful, right?
I dreamt so many things about being in a place like that.
and I'm promise!
I'll go there!
I have to see you, Lacock!
But now, I want to find out "who" you are! :D
See you! soon!
Yes, I'll see you soon! :)
And I'll do all the things that I've been dreaming about! :D

5 komentar:

  1. please gimme that kiki movieee.

  2. saya senang kiki menginspirasi banyakk
    ahh tnyta itu alasannya yaa loe suka sama kiki

    kalau mau dvd yg lain blg ke kai2 aja yaaa

    sebentar lagi dalam waktu dekat (semoga) saya bisa ke rumah kiki dibuatttttttttttt
    i'm so exicted to go MUSEUM Ghibli! ahhahaa

  3. @vinny: emang loe mau nntn film kartun? ahahaha

  4. emangny kota kiki beneran ada yaa?
    gue pengen banget nonton TOTORO..
    sama 5cm per second!
    sepertinya itu bagus

  5. kayak di kota tuaa.... hehehehe qidinkss...
    btw wallpaper blog ini gak bisa kebuka nehh... tulisannya photobucket2 melulu... tp gak tw di sono ya... ^^
