Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

And It's Contagious

Every novel that I read,
every song that I hear,
that brings my imajination into you..
make me really really want to reach you..

Playing in my head,
I'm walking on that street with the grey sky above and the night light,
play my favorite songs,
and can't stop singing..

I swear, we'll meet..
And I'll do those things..

"And it's contagious,
And it's contagious,
And it's contagious.."
(Us-Regina Spektor)

See You, soon.
I'm promise.

3 komentar:

  1. Sempat mengira ini tulisan cinta. Ternyata seputar kota impian. Senang yah rasanya membayangkan kalau bs berdiri di tempat itu. :)

  2. Iyah ini memang tulisan cinta, jatuh cinta tepatnya pada si kota impian. :)
    iyah, ngebayangin aja udh seneng cik, apalagi waktu nanti itu kesampean cik. duh duh.. haha

  3. woii komentarin blog gue donk.. hahahaaa

    tapi percaya deh ketika lo sampai ke kota impian lo akan berasa seperti "pulang ke rumah" alias langsung betaaaaaah. aahaaaha
